Free Picky Eater e-Course 
Enjoy Mealtimes Again

If the family table is not a "happy place" because of picky eating, tantrums, and complaints about the food you made, you're at the right place!  

Learn how thousands of parents are making dinnertime more enjoyable with this FREE 6-video lesson & action plan.

Does This Sound Familiar?

You're making a variety of meals for your family each week and when dinner time comes around, there are more complaints about what's being served than praises for your efforts.  

Maybe, the negativity starts way before the food makes it to the table, while you're chopping or prepping the meal.

Or worse, you're making multiple meals for your family because it's hard to make ONE MEAL everyone will eat without complaints -unless it's pizza or a couple of favorite recipes.

And then, after all is said and done, you know that your kids should be eating more than their favorite foods, but getting them to try new foods is nearly impossible.

Oh good. You're normal!

Did you know that 86% of the parents in our community wish their mealtimes were better and want their kids to eat a variety of foods? Yes, you're not alone.

Many parents want their kids to try new foods, end mealtime struggles over food, and eat a variety of foods, but they don't know where to begin.

Inside this 6-Video Mini E-Course You'll Learn:

The #1 reason kids don't try new foods and why it's the "parent's" fault

Why bribing with desserts and convincing your child to "take one bite" doesn't work.

What to do when you can't figure out why your kid won't eat anything new.

The secret to getting kids to eat their lunches and why they eat when we're not around.

Why some kids won't eat "green" and any other color in the rainbow.

The EXACT script to use to STOP fighting at the table.

...and more!

Hi! I'm Laura,

The mom behind MOMables, a website that has helped more than 20 million parents take the stress out of mealtimes. As a mom to 3 kids, I've experienced my share of picky eating struggles; and while mealtimes are much better today after spending more than 7 years in feeding therapy with one of my sons, they aren't always perfect.

Today, I'd like to share with you how I help families like yours eliminate tantrums at the dinner table, cook one family meal, and enjoy mealtimes again.

When you decide to access the 6-part Picky Eating Mini E-Course, you'll receive 6 video lessons with the printables you need to implement the material, all FREE.

Let's get started!

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Once you click the Access Picky Eaters e-Course button you will be brought to a Create your Account Page to access the Free E-Course.

You will also be emailed an Access Link to come back to the course anytime.

  • Total payment
  • 1xFree Mealtime Mini Course$0

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